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Agreement To Compromise Debt


The undersigned, a creditor of [Company] hereby agrees to compromise the indebtedness due by the undersigned on the following terms and conditions:

1. The Company and the undersigned agree that the resent debt due is $[Amount of debt].

2. The parties agree that the undersigned shall accept the sum of $ [amount accepted] as full payment on said debt and in complete discharge of all monies due, provided the sum herein shall be promptly paid in the following manner:

3. In the event the Company fails to promptly pay the compromised amount, the undersigned creditor shall have the right to prosecute its claim for the total debt due under the Paragraph 1 less any payments made.

4. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns.

Signed and sealed this day of [Date of agreement].

Signature Date